HANA = "One/oneness" (Korean) and in Maori, the word means "to shine, glow, give out love or radiance."
Both translations resonate and is a description of what can be experienced at every training.
Are you a team player? Playing team sports was my creative outlet as a student and I still LOVE doing things as a team. Perhaps that is why I do my best to make the training I host interactive, engaging, something all attendees can feel like they are an active part of. It's important to me that everyone in the training group (participants as well as facilitators) walk away feeling like they contributed a part of themselves to something greater than them. Whether you're recently certified or an experienced Consultant, you are warmly invited to be a member of the HANA training team.
If you haven't yet experienced a Quantum Breakthrough X (Experience), I hope you will consider joining us in FEB or MAY to experience individual and collective transformation. Register as a HANA Team Member (if you assisted one of my training) and use code Hana40 to pay the reduced $50 for the 2-day immersion.